Our History
Ritchie County Public Library
The first official library in Ritchie County was established by the Harrisville Women's Club and the first county library board was organized December 3, 1949.
The county library, along with Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Jackson, Roane and Wirt counties, in 1963, became a member of Alpha Regional Library System.
This membership brought State funding and professional expertise and guidance to the small rural libraries.
In 1965, the library was moved from its cramped quarters on Spring Street to Court Street, Harrisville.
For a period of time there was a bookmobile, which traveled to various locations throughout the county.
With the rise in cost of maintenance and gas, the bookmobile was abandoned and Books-By-Mail service began and continues to this day.
The Pennsboro Library opened to the public Sunday, January 15, 1984 for an open house and began regular operation in June of 1984.
It is located in what previously served as the McCullough Funeral Home.
The property was purchased and remodeled with funds from the federal Jobs Bill, West Virginia Library Commission grant monies, the City of Pennsboro and the Ritchie County Commission.
Dottie Perkins was the first branch librarian.
The Main Library moved for the second time in December 2009 from Court Street, to it's present location at 608 East Main Street, Harrisville.
The new Main Library is over 14,000 square feet and is housed in the former Ritchie Furniture store.
Ritchie County has access to a library six days a week at both the Main Library at Harrisville and the Branch Library at Pennsboro.

“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”
― Walter Cronkite