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Sign Up for WOWbrary
Wowbrary is a nonprofit service, which provides you free weekly emails and RSS feeds about your local library's most recent acquisitions. We've found users of Wowbrary emails are both awed and excited when they discover their local public library's abundance of new books, DVDs, and services.
Wowbrary reaches both avid library patrons and those who haven't used libraries in years. Wowbrary serves as an attractive online version of the new-book shelf, but one, which spans all library branches, includes items, which are checked out, and comes by convenient email or RSS for those who don't visit the library website or facilities regularly. By showcasing the latest arrivals and allowing patrons to click through directly to the library website, Wowbrary makes it easy to scan quickly what's new.
Browse the latest edition of BookPage Digital Edition
Ritchie County Public Library invites you to discover this month’s most exciting new books in the current digital issue of BookPage.
Download the app on your wireless device today!
It's time for a great book or e-book from your library! Didn't know your library has 1000s of ebooks and audiobooks available?
You can borrow them instantly, for free, using the device in your hand!! Children's materials are also available.
hoopla DIGITAL
Your library now has Hoopla digital available from home!
To create an account using your email address, library card number and pin, go to:
Once your account is set up you can access it through the web or the hoopla app which is also available on Roku and other smart TVs.
Each month you have eight items available to check out. Movies and TV show episodes are available for three days while other materials are available for three weeks.
Are you a Ritchie County resident with children
under the age of five?
This message is for you.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is back in Ritchie County thanks to funding from the Board of Education.
This means your children can receive a FREE book EVERY month until their fifth birthday.
All you need to do is follow the link below and sign them up!
West Virginia Info Depot
WVInfoDepot.org, the West Virginia eLibrary, is an anytime library you can access from your home PC, school PC, public library or mobile device.
Find access to millions of magazine and newspaper articles, encyclopedias, ebooks, digital images, test preparation resources, scholarly journals, historical materials and more
LearningExpress Library
Job & Career Accelerator
Consumer Health Complete
Legal Information Reference Center
NoveList Plus
World Books Online
and more!